心筋梗塞後の糖尿病患者に対する空腹時血糖値抑制戦略 vs 食後血糖値抑制戦略

■ 試験デザイン
P 急性心筋梗塞後の糖尿病患者
E 食後2時間血糖 < 7.5 mmol/L(=135 mg/dL) C 空腹/食前血糖 < 6.7mmol/ L(=120.6mg/dL) O 心血管イベント

■ 結果

The trial was stopped for lack of efficacy. Risks of first combined adjudicated primary cardiovascular events in the PRANDIAL (n = 174, 31.2%) and BASAL (n = 181, 32.4%) groups were similar (hazard ratio 0.98 [95% CI 0.8-1.21]). Mean A1C did not differ between the PRANDIAL and BASAL groups (7.7 +/- 0.1 vs. 7.8 +/- 0.1%; P = 0.4) during the study. The PRANDIAL group showed a lower daily mean postprandial blood glucose (7.8 vs. 8.6 mmol/l; P < 0.01) and 2-h postprandial blood glucose excursion (0.1 vs. 1.3 mmol/l; P < 0.001) versus the BASAL group.

■ 副作用

The incidence of hypoglycemia (all) was similar between groups through visit 8 (when this information was collected) (PRANDIAL versus BASAL: 55.3 vs. 55.2%; P = 0.367), and the incidence of severe hypoglycemia was also similar throughout the trial (PRANDIAL versus BASAL: 12.9 vs. 9.5%; P = 0.071). The incidence of nocturnal hypoglycemia (through visit 8), however, was greater in the BASAL group than in the PRANDIAL group (10.6 vs. 6.1%; P = 0.007).




■ 参照文献
Raz I et al., Diabetes Care. 2009 Mar;32(3):381-6. PMID: 19246588